Monday 25 May 2015


To summarize, I have learnt that proper attire is needed to ensure good quality food consistently as well as to protect both the food handler and consumer in the process of having a good productive and profitable exchange. It is also needed to maintain a professional image as well as a good rapport.

In addition, proper storage of food is crucial, this action prevents the spread or even breeding on harmful pathogenic micro-organisms which might lead to food poisoning or other adverse health effects, proper storing also prevents the breeding of unwanted pest or visits from unwanted visitors.  Also to be aware of faulty equipments prevents the physical hazards aspect of food related dangers which might prevent horrible consequences, so as a food handler we must know what we are doing and be aware of our equipments at all times.

All these knowledge & information combine would definitely give me an advantage in future, a fighting edge and a good way to maintain maximum hygiene standards throughout the F&B industry.

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